Tokyo港区六本木三丁目2番1号 住友不動産六本木グランドタワー 37F BASE株式会社
Address for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding HIMOSODA.
This phone number has been confirmed as valid and accurate.
工房での作家本人による手作業の商品となりますので、デザイン業務や個展の準備などのタイミングにより 表記された納品期間を越える場合があります
Please understand that it may occur a delay of delivery term mentioned on the website because of the artist exhibition or work schedule.
Post pay(Pay ID):
・ Convenience store: Pay on the 10th of the month following purchase: Payment service fee: 350 JPY (tax included)
・ Bank account transfer: Debited account by the 27th of the following month : Payment service fee: Free
Bank Transfer:
Bank Transfer commission fee: 360 yen (w/ tax)
It takes 10 to 14 days for shipping.
Since our T-shirts are different from manufactured print, the finish would be deferent each with splashing or blur spots as the hand-printed taste.
Please be sure that you may understand the hand-printed taste before you make an order.